Safety Tips When Using A Double Girder Gantry Crane Operation

Gantry cranes are one of the most common types of cranes that are used worldwide. They can be built indoors, or outdoors, making them extremely versatile. If you are going to lift a substantial amount of weight on a regular basis, it is highly recommended that you invest in a double girder gantry crane (grua portico birriel). These are very easy to use, and if operated in a safe manner, they can provide years of use without any type of accident or incident. Here are some safety tips when using a double girder gantry crane at your facility.

The Purpose Of Double Girders

Many of the gantry cranes that are produced today will have a single girder (monorriel). This is referring to the steel beam up above that is going to provide the support. If you are only using a single beam, you can easily lift anywhere from a single time all the way up to 30 tons or more. However, if you will be lifting 50 tons or more, you should consider a double girder gantry crane that can provide extra support.

Safety Tips You Should Use While Operating This Crane

Safety should always be a priority when you are using a crane of any kind. This is very true when using those that use double girders. The main reason is that these are typically designated for heavy lifting, which means there is a higher probability that more catastrophic accidents can occur. For example, if you lift more than the capacity of the crane, it could buckle, causing everything to fall below. However, if you adhere to the maximum weight designation, it is likely that you can avoid most of the most common safety related incidents that can cause complications for people working around this apparatus. It’s also a good idea to do maintenance on these cranes regularly. This includes checking the beams, poised, trolley, and runway beam if you have one. Finally, safety can always be promoted when you are testing your crane regularly, ensuring that it is working at its full capacity.

Problems That Can Occur When Avoiding Safety Tips

Two of the most common problems that can occur when you are not using one of these cranes safely include the cable coming apart or the beams folding. If the cable breaks, or if the overhead beams buckle, bend, and eventually break, this can be problematic for everyone around this crane. That’s why understanding how much it can lift, and how to operate it properly, are so vital when using these powerful units. Although not every problem can be avoided, you can certainly limit the number of issues that you will experience by following the safety tips that were presented.

As long as you are focused on using your double girder gantry crane safely, you should have no problem at all using it without incident. Whether this is human error, or if it is a flaw in the design of the gantry crane, you always need to be ready for problems that can happen.